Lower Mainland / Highway 99 Both Directions
Highway 99, in both directions. Construction work between Park St and Portage Rd for 0.5 km (Pemberton). Until Sat Aug 30. From 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM PST daily. Right turn lane off Hwy 99 and left turn lane onto Hwy 99 from existing access road are affected. Construction access and heavy truck access. Last updated Tue Mar 4 at 10:48 AM PST. (DBC-73529)
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Nearby Weather Station Reports
Forecast Tonight Thu Pemberton -2 10 Whistler -2 10 Sea to Sky - Squamish to Whistler - - Squamish 0 12 Lillooet -1 11 Lytton 2 13 Source: Environment Canada